Game Developer Starbreeze Reveals Payday 3's Journey and Four DLC Packs

  • 12-09-2023
  • Tyler Anderson
Game Developer Starbreeze Reveals Payday 3's Journey and Four DLC Packs

Starbreeze Studios, the creators of Payday 3, have revealed their plans for post-launch content even though the game hasn't been released yet. They have confirmed the return of Joy, along with the addition of Pearl, who will be playable characters available on launch day. The team is moving closer to the 21st September launch and have shared the Year One roadmap for the heist game.

This includes four downloadable content (DLC) instalments, seasonal events, new playable characters, a new adversary, weapons, an Unreal Engine 5 upgrade, and numerous other features and improvements. The DLC titles, which may change, are presently Syntax Error, Boys in Blue, The Land of the Free, and Fear and Greed. The first, Syntax Error, is set for release a few weeks after launch in winter 2023, and the others are scheduled for release throughout 2024. The details about which DLCs will be free or chargeable have not been specified yet.