Netflix to Grow Ad-Supported Subscription Plan Despite Slow Uptake

  • 12-01-2023
  • Tyler Anderson
Netflix to Grow Ad-Supported Subscription Plan Despite Slow Uptake

Netflix, the world's leading streaming service, has recently announced its plans to grow its ad-supported subscription plan. The streaming giant has seen slow uptake of the new plan and is now looking to expand its reach. This move signals that Netflix is looking to explore different ways to attract more customers and increase its revenues. 

The ad-supported plan was launched in 2020 as an additional option for those who don't want to pay a subscription fee. While it has garnered some attention, it hasn't been able to match the popularity of Netflix's other subscription plans. To address this, Netflix is now looking to expand the reach of the plan by increasing the number of countries that it is available. In addition, Netflix is offering various ad formats and targeting options to make the plan more appealing to potential customers. 

The company is also looking to boost engagement with the plan by introducing more exclusive content and features. This could potentially make the ad-supported plan more appealing and help it gain more traction. Netflix is also considering other options to make the plan more attractive such as offering discounts and bundle deals. 

Despite slow uptake, Netflix is aiming to broaden its ad-supported subscription plan as a whole. The streaming giant is seeking ways to draw in more customers and boost its income. This includes introducing more exclusive content, different ad formats, and targeting options, as well as discounts and bundle deals. It remains to be seen how successful these measures will be in boosting the popularity of the plan.